Hi everyone! It's Falcon Friday and this week we've decided to kick off the holiday season in style! Our gift to you on this Falcon Friday is reduced pricing on ALL of our games! You read correctly! Starting today, you can get great deals on any of our games in the Game Store! You can check out the list and pricing of the games below of you can head on over to the
Game Store and check it out. The first price is the new price and the price in the parenthesis is the old price.
Keep checking the blog and
Message Boards over the next couple of weeks. We've got some exciting announcements coming up! Until then, happy Falcon gaming!
Penumbra Bundle ($39.95) - $19.95
Aquatreous ($9.95)
Butter Bean ($14.95) - 9.95
Cave Brain ($14.95) - 9.95
Cell Blast ($19.95) - 9.95
Chicken Hunter Buck Shot ($14.95) - 9.95
Chicken Hunter: Birds of a Feather ($14.95) - 9.95
Chicken Hunter: Chicken a la Kart ($14.95) - 9.95
Chicken Hunter: Fowllywood ($14.95) - 9.95
Chicken Hunter: Raiders of the Lost Whatsit ($14.95) - 9.95
Chicken Hunter: Retro ($9.95)
Chicken Hunter: The Temple of SingSong ($14.95) - 9.95
Crystal Quest ($14.95) - 9.95
Feelin' It: Arcade Roller ($9.95)
Feelin' It: Arctic Stud Poker Run ($29.95) - 9.95
Feelin' It: Virtual Pool 3 ($29.95) - 14.95
Force Fighter ($9.95)
Gish ($24.95) - 14.95
Impulse Thruster ($24.95) - 9.95
Klectit ($24.95) - 9.95
Mo the Mole ($14.95) - 9.95
Newton's Monkey Math ($14.95) - 9.95
Penumbra: Black Plague HaptX Edition ($29.95) - 14.95
Penumbra: Overture HaptX Edition ($19.95) - 14.95
Snowbear ($14.95) - 9.95
Talon Special Ops ($29.95) - 14.95
Tear Down ($14.95) - 9.95
The Feel of Steel ($19.95) - 9.95
Tobbit ($14.95) - 9.95
XLR8 ($29.95) - 14.95