We've got a preview of the game, The Feel of Steel.
Awarded the 2007 Game of the Year award in the Innovation category by Game Tunnel, this is a multiplayer, 3rd-person sword-dueling game in which the movement of the Falcon corresponds directly to the movement of the sword.
Imagine being able to feel the clash of blades as you parry an attack, and the sensation of driving your sword into an opening in your enemy's defenses. Fight on the ground across diverse and exotic terrains, or launch into flight for epic aerial battles. Whether you choose to hack and slash wildly or to dice your opponent with precision strikes, this is as real as swordplay gets. Features include an intuitive sword-fighting system, single-player battles, head-to-head Duel Arena, and a feverish Free-For-All mode.
I was able to try this game out while we were at GDC and it was so much fun! It will challenge you! We expect The Feel of Steel to retail for $19.99. Keep checking back at the blog for details about the timing of the release! Happy Falcon gaming!
As the haptx quake mod works with the falcon how about implmenting haptx mouse driver? i have cut and pasted a section from their website
HaptX Mouse Driver™
The HaptX Mouse Driver technology allows developers to create applications where the Touch Controller can be used not only as a haptics device, but also as a regular PC Mouse. This is key for applications which mix the use of 2D user interfaces with 3D viewports, like 3D modelling applications.
Hi there. Thanks for your post. I checked in with our CEO, Tom Anderson, to get a response to your comment. Here's what he said...
"Thank you for your note. We have already released a version of N VeNT, where the Falcon can be used as a standard mouse (standard windows apps and for the OS). It is not guaranteed, however, to work well across all games that are not Falcon-enabled. We are working on a mouse driver ourselves that can be used as a standard mouse for most other games that are not covered now, and it shouldn't be too much longer until it is released"
Hi Sabrina,
Many thanks for your fast response
Is it possible if you could find out from your CEO if this mouse driver he talks of able to offer force feedback not haptic, but the same kind of force feedback used in many PC games of today.
Also could you find out, if say i wanted to browse around my computers operating system and the internet with the novint, can the driver give you vibration feedback when mousing over different links, this would be very impressive and give that extra bit of tactile feed back to make browsing the net a lot more fun.
Do you know when you will be releasing the Novint in Europe? This was asked by many people way back in the year of your launch but it never happened.
Hi TIA! That's a very common question. We are working on getting some smaller European resellers up and going that would let people get access to Falcons in Europe. We are still exploring online sales. I'll be sure to post more on the blog when we have more definitive plans. Thanks again!
Hello! Thanks for your follow up question! I checked with Tom and here's what he had to say...
"The mouse driver we are envisioning doesn't offer haptic feedback, but it is something we'll consider for the future."
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