Here were some highlights from Tom Anderson, Novint's CEO:
-- One of our employees is 6 months pregnant, so she named her character "Mommy To Be", which I thought was hilarious. It's funny seeing that someone was "... killed by MommyToBe". Also, makes you not want to shoot that character- makes you feel guilty.
-- We separated into the conference room and the programmers area. I loved hearing the roar from the other room when they won, and them calling in to make fun of us. I also loved calling into the other room when we won :)
-- It was really cool experiencing a milestone like that for Novint. It was our first company event like that. Everyone, including non gamers, had a blast.
-- The outdoor environments in Talon Special Ops are beautiful. It was especially fun playing the game, knowing it was one of our titles.
-- The different types of weapons and vehicles (mechs, jeeps, tanks, etc) were a lot of fun for everyone.
-- I spawned at one point right behind someone waiting to capture our flag - they had no idea how I found them (was pure luck) but made me seem pretty tricky.
-- Eric said his mom could take everyone, so Bill called his character "Eric's Mom" which was hilarious.
Sounds like everyone had a great time! We hope to release Talon Special Ops fairly soon, so keep checking back for the announcement!

<-- Several of Novint's employees (including Tom, Novint's CEO and Bill, Novint's Game Director) playing Talon Special Ops.

<-- Check out all of those Falcons!
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